The authors' straightforward writing style is reflected in the book as their personal teaching philosophy. The book has numerous attributes, the first one of which is the exclusion of double page organisational charts at the beginning of the book. These well-meaning charts dividing the book into sections, categories, or chapters have hopefully been relegated to the far flung corners of publishing houses for all eternity. Instead, the contents of Writing Academic English are clearly stated and spaciously arranged. It is crucial that books of this type are effectively organised with the important components taught in small step-by-step units. The authors' commitment to concision and clarity is again reinforced with clear illustrations and examples.
The book is divided into three parts and fourteen chapters with no less than four appendices. Intelligent use has been made of a word processor, the charts, diagrams, shading around boxes, and highlighted headings add character to the presentation without overdoing it. At all times the presentation remains clear and focused. The charming pictographic inclusion of artifacts from academies and museums, for example, the Native American symbols from Alaska on page two, add a welcome degree of relief and interest from the rigorous textual demands. Other attractive features of this book include the practice lessons and culturally appropriate model paragraphs, tips and tricks on how you can use your computer to support your essay writing, thoughtful annotations at the base of each page explaining tricky vocabulary for the non-native speaker, and a sprinkling of cross references to guide the student painlessly through.
Answer Key: http://www.mediafire.com/?a5bbhzg2rb3ctbpPass: ebooktienganh.com
Điện thoại: 056.6296.885 hoặc 0989.28.76.75
Địa chỉ: Quy Nhơn – Bình Định
Đây là bản 4th edition, chắc bạn đang tìm bản 3.
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